ChatGPT in the health sector?

The Norwegian government’s billion-kroner investment in artificial intelligence (AI) is much discussed, precisely because AI has great potential in many industries, including the health sector. The technology, especially large language models, can contribute to solutions related to challenges that arise with an ageing population, increased incidence of chronic diseases and lack of resources in the health sector.

Large language models in the health sector provide opportunities for improvements, for example in medical image analysis, record systems and patient registers. It is only the beginning, and the first examples show a promising development.

We need the right technology, at the right time and in the right place, which is only possible with interdisciplinary collaboration. That is why Intelligent Health ( invites you to a breakfast seminar to gain new insights and discuss the topic across disciplines.

Konferansen holdes på Engelsk

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Forskere og klinikere med interesse for ChatGPT/Artificial intelligence/language models

Mål for arrangementet
Gain new insights and discuss ChatGPT across disciplines

16. november 2023 kl 12.00

Pris for arrangementet
Arrangementet er gratis

Kontaktperson for arrangementet
Amelie Werkhausen (

Frokost serveres

23. november 2023
09:00 - 12:00
Pilestredet Campus Ellen Gleditschs hus Pilestredet 35 Rom PH322